Monday 28 July 2008

Mobile web

From BBC: Mobile web reaches critical mass

"The mobile web has reached a "critical mass" of users this year, according to a report by analysts Nielsen Mobile.

The US is the most tech savvy nation with nearly 40 million Americans - 16% of all US mobile users - using their handset to browse on the move.

The UK and then Italy come a close second and third in the 16 countries surveyed by the analyst firm.


'PC internet users visit more than 100 domains per month, on average,' the report said.

'By contrast, the average mobile internet user in the US visited 6.4 individual websites per month.' UK use was slightly less at 5.5 per month."

Clearly, has implications for how to deliver content effectively ... could be a good way of delivering alerts, prompts, small chunks of quality content, bitesize e-learning...

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Cost, availability and speed are major inhibitors for this market. Many people are unwilling to sign up for new wifi providers each time they travel to a new place, & nternet access via mobile phones incurs huge data charges. At present, the main users are business people. Free wifi will be the key to the mobile web.

Martin Griffies